We've moved!!
Thanks so much for your support, and we hope you will continue to follow us on our brand new site: www.hecktictravels.com
Dalene & Peter
Hello, faithful readers.
Our apologies for our lack of good content on this blog lately. Part of it is lack of something to write about (stupid leg), but part of it is also because we are in the middle of developing a NEW and IMPROVED website! It will house all the same stories from our travels, plus MUCH MORE.
It will be very, VERY soon that we can unleash all of our hard work onto the world. You will be the first to know.
Thanks for reading!
A very feliz año nuevo to y'all! I hope that hangovers have dissipated and that resolutions are still intact thus far!
Looking back, 2010 surely was an amazing year for us. To think of all the things we did is exhausting: we survived an exploding volcano, kayaked in Patagonia, swam with sharks in the Galapagos...I could go on for quite awhile. 2011 has big boots to fill, but we've also got some big things on the horizon that we are very excited about. We will share it all with you soon!
Pete and I rang in the new year with very little fan fare. As much as I had hoped being on the island would magically heal my foot, it hasn't happened (I think I enjoyed watching Lost a little too much). The effort to get all dolled up and go out on the town only to have to return in a couple of hours due to swelling did not seem worth it. So, we spent it quietly at home, as we have been doing most days and nights, waiting for the magical healing fairies to arrive. Every day I get stronger and stronger, and soon I hope to report on more then just what boring, house-bound losers we are.
One brave day last week, we did venture out to visit the Caribbean - I couldn't resist the crystal blue water any longer. It was a very slow walk on the beach and I paid for it for several hours later, but it was worth it. I think that by these pictures, you will agree!

This beach is only a 3 minute drive from our house, and we had it entirely to ourselves for most of the afternoon, as it is far off the tourist path and only used by locals. We will spend many happy days here in the future, I am sure!
To see more pictures, click here.